Enforceability of Section 106 Agreement

Enforceability of Section 106 Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

In any property development project, a Section 106 agreement is a crucial legal document that outlines the obligations and responsibilities of the parties involved. The agreement is a legal mechanism used to ensure that the developer provides community benefits in exchange for planning permission.

However, the enforceability of Section 106 agreements can be a matter of contention, especially when disputes arise between the parties. In this article, we will explore the legal framework surrounding the enforceability of Section 106 agreements and what it means for developers, local authorities, and other stakeholders.

What is a Section 106 Agreement?

A Section 106 agreement, also known as a planning obligation, is a legal agreement between local authorities and developers. The agreement outlines the obligations that the developer must fulfill to mitigate the impact of their development project on the local community.

Section 106 agreements typically incorporate conditions such as affordable housing provision, payment of community infrastructure levy, and contributions towards public transportation or education. The agreement is legally binding and must be adhered to by the developer.

Enforceability of Section 106 Agreement

The enforceability of Section 106 agreements is governed by the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which outlines various procedures and legal remedies for enforcing the agreements. The Act stipulates that planning obligations are enforceable against the parties involved in the agreement.

Local authorities are responsible for enforcing Section 106 agreements. They have the power to take legal action against developers who breach the terms of the agreement. Legal action can range from monetary penalties, stop notices, and injunctions to revoke planning permission.

However, the enforcement of Section 106 agreements can be delayed by a variety of factors. For example, legal disputes or delays in obtaining necessary permissions can delay the enforcement of the agreement. In such cases, the agreement can be amended or suspended to reflect changes in circumstance.

Challenges to Enforceability

Despite the legal framework in place, the enforceability of Section 106 agreements can still be challenged by developers or other stakeholders. For instance, developers may argue that the agreement is unreasonable or that it conflicts with their legal rights.

In such cases, local authorities may have to engage in legal proceedings to enforce the agreement. This can be a time-consuming and costly process, and the outcome is not always guaranteed.


Section 106 agreements are essential legal documents that help ensure that property development projects are beneficial to the local community. The enforceability of the agreement is crucial in ensuring that developers fulfill their obligations and that local authorities can hold them accountable.

While the legal framework surrounding the enforceability of Section 106 agreements is robust, challenges can still arise. However, by working together and adhering to the terms of the agreement, developers and local authorities can ensure that their obligations are met, and the community benefits from their development projects.
