Queensland Rental Agreements

Queensland Rental Agreements: An Essential Guide for Landlords and Tenants

Rental agreements are an essential part of the property rental process. These agreements help to establish a clear and concise understanding between landlords and tenants and provide a legal framework that protects both parties. In Queensland, rental agreements are governed by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act).

If you are a landlord or tenant in Queensland, it is essential to understand rental agreements and their requirements. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of renting in Queensland and provide you with tips on how to create a rental agreement that complies with the Act.

What is a rental agreement?

A rental agreement, also known as a lease, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement. It establishes the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant and serves as a reference point should disputes arise.

In Queensland, rental agreements must comply with the Act. The Act sets out the minimum requirements for rental agreements, including the information that must be included in the agreement and the terms that cannot be included.

What should be included in a rental agreement?

Here are some essential elements that must be included in a rental agreement:

- The name and address of the tenant(s) and landlord(s)

- The address of the rental property

- The start and end dates of the lease

- The rent amount and payment frequency

- The method of payment

- The amount of any bond and how it will be refunded

- The responsibilities of the landlord and tenant(s)

- Any additional terms or conditions

It is also important to note that rental agreements must be in writing and signed by all parties.

What terms cannot be included in a rental agreement?

In Queensland, there are certain terms that cannot be included in a rental agreement. These include:

- Requiring the tenant to pay for repairs that are the responsibility of the landlord

- Restricting the tenant`s rights to quiet enjoyment of the property

- Requiring the tenant to waive their legal rights

- Including terms that are discriminatory

How long can a rental agreement last?

In Queensland, rental agreements can be either periodic or fixed-term. A periodic agreement runs from week-to-week or month-to-month and can be terminated by either party with the required notice. A fixed-term agreement has a specific start and end date and cannot be terminated early without mutual agreement.

For fixed-term agreements, the tenant is responsible for paying rent until the end of the lease, unless the landlord agrees to release them from the agreement early.


Rental agreements are an essential part of the rental process. They establish a clear understanding between landlords and tenants and provide a legal framework that protects both parties. In Queensland, rental agreements must comply with the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008. As a landlord or tenant, it is important to ensure that your rental agreement meets the minimum requirements of the Act and includes all the necessary information.

By creating a comprehensive rental agreement, both landlords and tenants can have a positive rental experience that is free from disputes and misunderstandings.
