Us India Defence Agreements

India and the United States have been working on deepening their defence ties over the past few years. These efforts have resulted in several agreements that aim to enhance defence cooperation and strengthen the strategic partnership between the two nations. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the recent defence agreements between India and the United States.

Defence Framework Agreement

The Defence Framework Agreement was signed between India and the US in 2015. The agreement outlines the strategic defence partnership between the two countries and serves as the basis for further bilateral defence cooperation. It covers various areas of cooperation, including defence trade, technology transfer, joint military exercises, and research and development.

Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA)

LEMOA is a logistical support agreement between India and the US that was signed in 2016. The agreement allows the armed forces of both countries to use each other`s military facilities for refuelling, repair, and other logistical support. This agreement is expected to enhance the operational readiness of the two countries` armed forces and improve their ability to respond to shared security concerns.

Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA)

COMCASA was signed between India and the US in 2018. The agreement facilitates the use of secure communication equipment and systems by the armed forces of both countries. This helps the two countries` militaries to communicate with each other seamlessly and improves interoperability during joint military operations.

Industrial Security Annex (ISA)

ISA was signed in 2019 between India and the US. It provides a framework for the exchange and protection of classified military information between the two countries. This agreement is seen as a significant step towards furthering the defence cooperation between India and the US and improving their defence industrial base.


The defence agreements between India and the US are crucial for enhancing strategic ties and improving their defence capabilities. These agreements provide a framework for mutual cooperation in various areas of defence, including logistics, technology, communication, and research and development. As the two countries face common security challenges, such agreements help strengthen their defence partnership and deepen their strategic ties.
